The life of a college
football athlete is one of the most complex things that go on behind closed
doors you would never know about unless you ask a college athlete. Talking
from experience I played college football at Mount Ida College in Newton, MA.
It was one of the best experiences of my life meeting all the people I did and everything as well as traveling. In this blog I interviewed three College athletes at
various levels of the game asking how there life was during the season and
after the season.
I asked Khaneil about how football season is for him and if it gets hectic, his answer was simple he says “it gets hectic if you let it”. Also that it does get overwhelming when you think about it because he has to balance his academics , practices , games , and traveling all together which isn’t easy for any 20 year old.
I then
asked Khaneil about his time after football season, and if he gets bored, he
told me not really because he still has workouts every morning. But he does
have more times than he does during the season. Khaneil told me he does tend to
miss the season when it’s done but then it just pushes him to work harder
towards the next season.
Lastly I asked Khaneil
what is the best part of being a college football athlete. Khaneil told me the
people you meet is the best part of being an athlete , because those are the
people you end of spending the most time with, and by the end of the season
there more like family not just your teammates.
Another person I interviewed
about their live as a College Football Athlete is a good friend of mine named
Randi Vines. Randi played football at the University of New Hampshire and is
originally from Virginia.

During the off-season for
Randi said was similar to football season, his coach made sure that the athletes were not getting in trouble during the off-season so they did a lot of things football related
after being done with their student activities. But he says even with having
all that stuff he still had way more time than he did during football season.
Lastly when asked about
what his best experience was he says it was the atmosphere at the games and
being surrounded by what he felt like was a family. One of the best things he
says was being able to walk around campus and being able to talk to stop and
talk to anyone about the game because everyone was a family at his university.
The Last person I interviewed about this topic is a very close friend of mine name Idris Drayton . Idris and I met at Mount Ida College my freshman year playing football. We both came in as freshman so we relate to a lot of the same things.
When asking Idris about
his life during the season he says football was the hectic part as a freshman,
it wasn’t the school work at all it was all the stuff revolving around football
and how much time it took to get stuff done because of football.
Idris also told me when
asked about the off- season that it was bittersweet, because he was happy he
had more time on his hands but wished he was still out there playing what he
loved and having fun with his teammates doing it. But it defiantly felt good to
be out of class early and not having to worry about football and just being
able to just hang out after.
Lastly he says it was
hard to choose what was the best part of his experience as football player but
if he had to choose it would be practice, because that where he meet some great
people and learned the most about himself outside of just being a football
Link to the University of New Haven Football Program
Link to the University of New Hampshire Football Program
Link to the Mount Ida College Football Program
Link to the University of New Hampshire Football Program
Link to the Mount Ida College Football Program